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Plague engine

Mindiff technology S.L  obtained funding through the Centre for Industrial Technological Development to develop the technology engine tools and vertical applications for MOBA video games and the project  is co-financed by the European funding regional development department FEDER, through the Multi-regional Operational program for smart growth. 

This research and development project was initiated in February 2019 and finished in May 2020 with a budget of 931,916.82€. It has been developed by our operations team in Malaga.

Mindiff team is centred on his own technology for RPG ,RTS and MOBA, with the development of his own game engine for RTS and MOBA style games.

Features of the SDK:


Management of the interaction with the operating system.

Graphic engine valid for any game.

Generic game engine (collisions, road search, character management, etc...).

MOBA ,RTS and RPG game engine, with specific and customizable functionality for these kinds of games.

Network engine. Version 2.0 of the engine, unlike previous versions, can be used offline to develop the  game as well as online which is extremely useful as you don't have to be connected to the server as you  did before.

Pre-built applications, the developer can use the pre-designed flow of the application (menus, configuration, etc) or customise it to their liking.

Character editor in game time.

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